BUS.238-Bringing Commercial Composting to Non-Composting Regions: A case Study of Composting in Nassau, Bahamas-AC23.USCC

How to introduce commercial scale composting in a place that has never done it before and is not “set up” to do it from a regulatory or system perspective: operational and business lessons learned, public education and outreach, innovative compost applications.Speakers: Geoffrey StarinDuration: 19 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course Now

BUS.121-School Food Waste Composting and Reusables Program-AC23.USCC

That you, whomever you are, who is interested in helping your community with waste diversion and composting, can absolutely start this program in your local schools. We will provide the educational resources and “how-to” guide to do this. This program works wonders with normalizing composting and waste diversion with youth.Speakers: Gretchen LosanoDuration: 29 minutesCredits: 0.5Member… Continue reading BUS.121-School Food Waste Composting and Reusables Program-AC23.USCC

PRO.113-Everything you Need to Know about Maintaining your Equipment, part 1-AC23.USCC

Discussion around the general machine and site maintenance, best practices, and taking care of your machine for a better user experience. Safety – Part 1 (11-12:30) • The importance of safety • Creating the safe worker mindset • Equipment safety evaluation • Worksite safety evaluation • Understanding intended use • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) •… Continue reading PRO.113-Everything you Need to Know about Maintaining your Equipment, part 1-AC23.USCC

POL.119-Growing the Organics Recycling Industry in NYS-AC23.USCC

Attendees will learn about the various efforts in New York State to support the growing organics recycling industry including innovative partnerships and the NYS Food Donation & Food Scraps Recycling law.Speakers: Kristine EllsworthDuration: 16 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course Now

POL.232-How is Compost the Solution for SB 1383 and much more?-AC23.USCC

Large successful compost facilities face unique challenges and opportunities under SB 1383: – Work with jurisdiction dischargers (feedstock providers) to account for organics recycling tonnage to the State. – Marketing to jurisdiction compost use in addition to addressing local environment issues. – Compost can help solve many municipal environmental challengesSpeakers: Jeff ZiegenbeinDuration: 17 minutesCredits: 0.5Member… Continue reading POL.232-How is Compost the Solution for SB 1383 and much more?-AC23.USCC

POL.219-Obstacles/Solutions to Capacity Building in California-AC23.USCC

• Air Pollution Control Rules in California can limit compost industry expansion • Emissions Reduction Credits (ERCs) are becoming either so expensive, or not available, that building new facilities may be practically prohibitive • New strategies to address this problem need to be developedSpeakers: Kevin BarnesDuration: 20 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course Now

MAR.223-Compost in Retail Markets – How does SB1383 Procurement affect the Retail Customer, Backyard Gardener and Landscape Professional-AC23.USCC

Composters who serve the retail market are necessary for last mile compost application strategies, and are able to interact with emerging composting regulations, jurisdictions, and composters of various scales in multiple ways in order to promote a regenerative food economy.Speakers: Kathy Kellogg-JohnsonDuration: 21 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course Now