VIS.211-Drawdown Georgia, A Case Study On Composting As A Mechanism to Address Global Warming-AC22.USCC

Project Drawdown has done a pragmatic assessment of transformational changes that will be necessary to curtail global warming. When we analyze these projects, we find many of them can be clustered into a broader narrative of Organic Circularity. Researchers in Georgia have adopted the Project Drawdown methodology and created a hierarchy of initiatives to achieve… Continue reading VIS.211-Drawdown Georgia, A Case Study On Composting As A Mechanism to Address Global Warming-AC22.USCC

VIS.210-A Circular Economy to Scale Carbon Farming and Compost Infrastructure-AC22.USCC

Zero Foodprint is a 501.c3 leading public private collaborations with governments in CA, CO to scale carbon farming. We generate funds from businesses and citizens and depoly grants in conjunction with trusted conservation networks like the Conservation Districts and Cooperative Extensions. We are scaling this circular economy with a long term vision of enabling direct… Continue reading VIS.210-A Circular Economy to Scale Carbon Farming and Compost Infrastructure-AC22.USCC

POL.114-FSMA Produce Safety Rule and how it may affect the composting industry, Part 2: FSMA PSR requirements – Subpart F (BSAAO) and how the compost industry can support growers-AC21.USCC

We will summarize the FSMA Produce Safety Rule standards in Subpart F, the current FDA risk assessment associated with BSAAO, and associated research efforts. Commonly-used BSAAO will be discussed, including how these requirements may affect the compost industry. We will outline additional benefits and challenges of using treated BSAAO, and identify science-based management strategies to… Continue reading POL.114-FSMA Produce Safety Rule and how it may affect the composting industry, Part 2: FSMA PSR requirements – Subpart F (BSAAO) and how the compost industry can support growers-AC21.USCC

FAC.111-Compost Operations Management – Fundamentals and Beyond-AC22.USCC

Managing an operation can mean many things, but managing a composting operation has some specific traits that should be considered among all operators in all situations. This presentation will address some serious blunders and some paths to success that may be useful to those managing, supporting, regulating, or working with a composting project. Whether a… Continue reading FAC.111-Compost Operations Management – Fundamentals and Beyond-AC22.USCC

BUS.232-Composting Programs – Feasibility Evaluation and Design Considerations-AC22.USCC

New policies and regulations are creating a need for organics management facilities.  Additionally, an increased interest in composting at the community-level is also driving community-based composting operations. The presentation will discuss factors that impact feasibility and design of composting projects, including but not limited to incoming waste stream volumes, food waste collection and processing options,… Continue reading BUS.232-Composting Programs – Feasibility Evaluation and Design Considerations-AC22.USCC

USE.113-Paradigm shift: Changing Recommendations for Phosphorus Fertilization-AC22.USCC

Add more- that was the official extension recommendation for phosphorus fertilization for many decades. Phosphorus is tightly bound in most soils. This nutrient has a strong affinity for reactive groups on soil particles including iron, aluminum and calcium. In order to make sure plants had access to enough P, extension agents typically recommended applications well… Continue reading USE.113-Paradigm shift: Changing Recommendations for Phosphorus Fertilization-AC22.USCC