DIV.211-Using On-Campus Food Recovery and Composting to Advance Institutional Operations, Engagement, and Research Around Food system sustainability-AC20.USCC

This video discusses the implementation of a campus composting project, going over the operational processes used at Princeton University. Speakers: Gina Talt Duration: 35 minutes Credits: 1.0 Member Price: $60.00 Non-Member Price: $105.00 Purchase Course Now

DIV.210-Lessons Learned from Diverting Food Waste for Multinational Restaurants and Grocery Stores-AC20.USCC

This video goes over the many programs at Rubicon Global regarding food waste recycling, along with challenges and solutions they face when implementing them in companies and organizations. Speakers: Ryan Cooper Duration: 18 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now

BUS.118-Financing Vehicles for Compost Producers-AC22.USCC

Establishing an industrial-scale composting facility is an expensive undertaking. Compost manufacturers report that acquiring and preparing the land, purchasing and installing the equipment, and securing the necessary permits can require anywhere from $500,000 to $2,000,000. For most people who are interested in opening a compost facility, these costs are prohibitive. Normally, entrepreneurs who face high… Continue reading BUS.118-Financing Vehicles for Compost Producers-AC22.USCC

BUS.117-It Takes a Team to Win: How Composting Plays a Critical Role in Zero Waste-AC20.USCC

This video highlights the Mercedes Benz Stadium and their efforts in wanting to create a zero waste, LEED certified, recycling and composting friendly establishment. Partnering with Erth Products, Cowart, and NatureWorks LLC, the companies are able to create their own compost manufacturer, discussing the benefits of team effort. Speakers: Rhett Marlow Duration: 19 minutes Credits:… Continue reading BUS.117-It Takes a Team to Win: How Composting Plays a Critical Role in Zero Waste-AC20.USCC