This video goes over the steps taken and the lessons learned in the creation of a composting system on Iowa State University. Speakers: Carissa Moyna Duration: 22 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now
Author: Alec Resha
BUS.224-Rust Belt Rider’s Start-Up Fundraising -AC22.USCC
I’ll be sharing how Rust Belt Riders+Tilth Soil have been able to access capital as a startup in the food waste collections and compost/soil blend manufacturing industry. Speakers: Michael Robinson Duration: 36 minutes Credits: 1.0 Member Price: $60.00 Non-Member Price: $105.00 Purchase Course Now
BUS.223-How Partnerships Led to the Collection of 1,000,000 Pounds of Organics!-AC20.USCC
This video discusses how a partnership between the Office of Waste Reduction & Recycling and the UNC Charlotte Dining Services led to an increase in composting and sustainable waste practices around campus. Speakers: Lindsay Klingenschmidt Duration: 22 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now
BUS.222-Positioning your business for success with municipalities-AC21.USCC
Local governments will play a major role in setting standards for organics recycling for years to come. Composters can quickly implement simple programs to kick-start municipal food scrap collection programs, then leverage this foothold to make sure composting and soil health are at the forefront of organics recycling plans. Speakers: Ben Parry Duration: 13 minutes… Continue reading BUS.222-Positioning your business for success with municipalities-AC21.USCC
BUS.221-Commercial Composting in Schools-AC20.USCC
This video goes over the recommended steps to implement commercial composting in schools, from educating students and staff, to creating a self-reliant composting system. Speakers: Leslie Rodgers Duration: 20 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now
BUS.220-Benefits (and Tradeoffs) of a Public-Private Partnership-AC20.USCC
This video gives background on some of Freestate Farms LLC facilities, discussing the benefits and trade offs that they had when using a public-private partnership for their projects. Speakers: Douglas Ross Duration: 22 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now
BUS.219-Community Composting: Lessons from Baltimore City, MD-AC20.USCC
Cross-Sector collaborations are the driving force of the Baltimore Office of Sustainability’s (BoS) citywide composting efforts. BoS works closely with non-profit organizations, city agencies and countless community stakeholders, leaders and environmental activists to advance composting infrastructure across the city. With robust support from the Natural Resources Defense Council’s (NRDC) Food Matters program, BoS is helping… Continue reading BUS.219-Community Composting: Lessons from Baltimore City, MD-AC20.USCC
BUS.218-Benchmarking your Facility’s Financials-AC20.USCC
This presentation will address these aspects of facility financing: 1. What is EBITDA, why should you care more than net income. 2. Debt vs. Equity financing of your business. 3. How do I know if my business is doing good? 4. How do I decide to spend on that capital improvement or not? 5. Risks… Continue reading BUS.218-Benchmarking your Facility’s Financials-AC20.USCC
BUS.217-Developing a greenhouse gas inventory for compost operations-AC21.USCC
Overview of the greenhouse gas emissions and sinks associated with composting operations and compost use, including from equipment usage, process emissions, transport and carbon sequestration. Guidance for developing a greenhouse gas inventory. Speakers: Bill Brower Duration: 24 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now
BUS.215-Equipment Financing: Insider Tips and Tricks Every Business Needs to Know-AC20.USCC
This video gives information and tips on financing equipment and what businesses need to watch out for and know. Speakers: Greg Pabich Duration: 22 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now