POL.121-Regulatory Trends with Organic Waste-AC23.USCC

SB1383 – Focus on Jurisdiction Requirements rather than Business requirements; mention Article 12 – refer to Session 5. As opposed to MA Food waste ban, which required commercial food waste generators to handle their own food waste Speakers: Cindy Liles Duration: 12 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now

USE.315-Compost Application Can Improve Water Quality, Enhance Soil Health, and Increase Climate Resiliency in Coastal California’s Cool-Season Vegetable Agroecosystems.-AC23.CREF

Substituting nitrogen fertilizer with compost can improve soil health and environmental quality in California’s intensively managed cool-season vegetable systems without compromising yields.Speakers: Cole SmithDuration: 24 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course Now

MAR.221-Composters To The Rescue: Helping Jurisdictions Comply With CA SB 1383 Procurement Requirements and Slow Climate Change-AC23.USCC

This presentation will provide information on how composters can be the solution to the issues facing jurisdictions as they grapple with ways to comply with SB 1383 recycled green waste procurement requirements.Speakers: Bill CamarilloDuration: 17 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course Now

DIV.224-Growing Food Scrap Diversion: Adding Food Waste as a Feedstock to Existing Compost Operations-AC23.USCC

To provide the audience an opportunity to hear from an industrial scale compost manufacturer with 10 years of food waste processing experience. The Compost Company has worked with food waste since its inception, allowing them to provide valuable perspective on the efficacy of incorporating food waste as a feedstock.Speakers: Clay Ezell, Brad MillerDuration: 20 minutesCredits:… Continue reading DIV.224-Growing Food Scrap Diversion: Adding Food Waste as a Feedstock to Existing Compost Operations-AC23.USCC

VIS.310-Biochar Co-Composting of Dairy Manure Substantially Reduces Methane and Can Play a Critical Role in Meeting Climate Goals-AC23.CREF

Biochar co-composting of dairy manure substantially reduces methane compared to composting without biochar. Using biochar-compost as a complementary strategy to anaerobic digestion can help achieve methane reduction policies in California and globally.Speakers: Brendan HarrisonDuration: 21 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course Now

FAC.224-Rose Bowl Stadium: Insights to Institutional Composting-AC23.USCC

The Pasadena Rose Bowl is recycling its food scraps by producing and using compost on site. Different compost technologies produce compost that is variously suited to the cultivars on that site. Finding the technology, measuring the biology, plus chemical and physical properties allow you to to achieve the greatest success.Speakers: Christine Lenches-HinkelDuration: 20 minutesCredits: 0.5Member… Continue reading FAC.224-Rose Bowl Stadium: Insights to Institutional Composting-AC23.USCC

BUS.237-The Business Case for Composting-AC23.USCC

CET has helped numerous businesses translate theory into action, and thus will present the business case for composting. Utilizing success stories, CET will walk through strategies to make this business case by right-sizing containers, maximizing prevention and donation opportunities, and increasing recycling rates.Speakers: Coryanne MansellDuration: 15 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course Now

POL.223-PFAS in Organics and Materials Management-AC23.USCC

Evolving concerns around source contamination that appear relatively low for organic waste (food and yard debris). However there from a materials management focus, there will be restricted use or disposal for biosolids and land application. Organics diversion plays a critical role and the research on PFAS is still emerging.Speakers: Debra DarbyDuration: 18 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price:… Continue reading POL.223-PFAS in Organics and Materials Management-AC23.USCC

POL.122-Making the Compost-Climate Connection: Eco-Cycle’s Community Circular Compost System-AC23.USCC

As municipal collection programs expand, it becomes critical to engage all sectors toward a common goal: make good compost and use it to build soil. Eco-Cycle has created several models for communities to work toward that goal.Speakers: Dan MatschDuration: 14 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course Now