Quantifying the long-term soil carbon sequestration benefits of compost application to agricultural lands requires consideration of both the impacts throughout the soil profile, and the impacts over longer-term timeframes.Speakers: Karen HillsDuration: 26 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course Now
USE.313-Tuning Compost for Specific Crops using DNA Sequencing-AC23.USCC
New cutting-edge DNA sequencing methods are emerging that support compost production tuned for specific crops. These methods are being tested at a seedless muscadine vineyard in NC and have the potential to transform the industries’ image from “homespun” to high-tech and merit a commensurate premium price.Speakers: Laura KavanaughDuration: 29 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase… Continue reading USE.313-Tuning Compost for Specific Crops using DNA Sequencing-AC23.USCC
MAR.222-Differentiating the Value and Cost of Compost Across Likely Farm Use Scenarios in Western Washington-AC23.USCC
Compost can have a wide range of values depending on the cropping system and the application rate needed for impacts. Under reasonable assumptions, compost value exceeded cost for some, but not all, crops in our study area. Ongoing efforts to overcome barriers to use in these crops is worthwhile.Speakers: Karen HillsDuration: 26 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price:… Continue reading MAR.222-Differentiating the Value and Cost of Compost Across Likely Farm Use Scenarios in Western Washington-AC23.USCC
VIS.115-COMPOST2023 Opening Keynote: The land is Made for You and Me.mp4-AC23.USCC
nanSpeakers: Kara Brewer BoydDuration: 45 minutesCredits: 1.0Member Price: $60.00Non-Member Price: $105.00Purchase Course Now
POL.221-Why On-Farm Composting Matters & How to Expand it-AC23.USCC
Expanding composting on farms is critical for both creating a more resilient composting infrastructure and making high-quality compost more accessible for improving soil health on farms. Participants will leave with a clear understanding of the importance of on-farm composting and compost use and how to promote both.Speakers: Linda Bilsens-BrolisDuration: 14 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price:… Continue reading POL.221-Why On-Farm Composting Matters & How to Expand it-AC23.USCC
POL.220-Leveraging CA’s New Compost Regulations for Carbon Sequestration – Jurisdictions Teaming up with Ag and Businesses on Carbon Farming-AC23.USCC
– Jurisdictions can meet procurement through carbon farming, within their desired budgets because ZFP will identify projects, identify farmer cost-share and provide our own cost-sharing (when possible). – Composters can encourage price premiums and/or generate more quote requests through Compost.Ag.Speakers: Leo BeckermanDuration: 18 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course Now
POL.124-USCC Advocacy Campaigns–Your Membership Dollars at Work!-AC23.USCC
nanSpeakers: Linda Norris-WaldtDuration: 10 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course Now
FAC.116-Innovative Small-Scale Composting Systems: Atlas Organic’s Modular Unit-AC23.USCC
Innovative composting technology that can add capacity to sites with limited infrastructure. The ins and outs of operating a compost site powered by an Atlas Organics Modular Unit.Speakers: Leah Marie Retherford, Patrick GridleyDuration: 18 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course Now
USE.312-Compost Incorporation Improves Water Infiltration, Carbon Storage and Associated Soil Properties-AC23.CREF
Benefits of compost incorporation regarding stormwater infiltration, carbon sequestration, and other soil properties.Speakers: Md Mahfuz IslamDuration: 18 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course Now
VIS.217-Healthy Soils for Healthy Parks: Los Angeles Urban Carbon Farm at Griffith Park-AC23.USCC
New Carbon Parks: Integrated community composting and regenerative land management practices are envisioned as a new park model centered around carbon sequestration, climate resiliency, and community well-being. High quality, biologically active compost further strengthens soil C sequestration. Centering community contribution, participation, and education supports environmental justice and healthy communities.Speakers: Lynn FangDuration: 20 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price:… Continue reading VIS.217-Healthy Soils for Healthy Parks: Los Angeles Urban Carbon Farm at Griffith Park-AC23.USCC