In 2015 Pitkin County embarked on a journey towards significantly reducing waste and encouraging diversion; the driver for our waste diversion efforts, a rapidly filling landfill. Pitkin County is located on the Western Slope of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Situated in the midst of Aspen’s world-class ski resorts, tourism is the driving force of the… Continue reading POL.216-Food Waste Composting as a Pay-As-You-Throw Partner-AC22.USCC
Category: Intermediate
USE.221-Developing Soil / Media Mixes to Promote Growth of Pollinator Friendly Vegetation in Roadside Settings in. NYS-AC22.USCC
The project objective is to identify manufactured soil mixes that support the growth of native, pollinator friendly vegetation in roadside settings. As NYSDOT’s current standard topsoil mixes have been found lacking in their ability to reliably support the establishment of native, pollinator-friendly plant populations; there is a need to develop topsoil specifications that can facilitate… Continue reading USE.221-Developing Soil / Media Mixes to Promote Growth of Pollinator Friendly Vegetation in Roadside Settings in. NYS-AC22.USCC
USE.217-Better than Just Compost? Improving Compost Quality and Soil Health in Water-Limited Environments with Biochar-AC22.CREF
Compost production and use in arid climates differs from temperate regions because compost and other organic matter inputs fail to persist in arid soils. We must find ways to improve finished compost to enhance its ability to store carbon and improve long-term soil health in arid cropland soils. Co-composting biochar is one potential solution to… Continue reading USE.217-Better than Just Compost? Improving Compost Quality and Soil Health in Water-Limited Environments with Biochar-AC22.CREF
MAR.219-“Exonerating” Compost from other materials on trial-AC22.USCC
Resource Conservation efforts are gaining traction in the world of Construction and Land Development across the Country. It’s not uncommon for State Department of Transportation Engineers to receive a variety of requests to try products on the right of way made from recycled materials, incorporate controversial materials like Municipal or Animal sludge, or even allow… Continue reading MAR.219-“Exonerating” Compost from other materials on trial-AC22.USCC
MAR.215-Video Content Marketing is our “Black Gold”!-AC22.USCC
Video is one of the top marketing tools for on online content, time to embrace it and find a strategy. VM trends are increasingly important to overall marketing strategies. In 2021, “86% of businesses indicated that they were using video as a marketing tool.” Additionally, “93% of them say it’s a critical part of their… Continue reading MAR.215-Video Content Marketing is our “Black Gold”!-AC22.USCC
EQU.210-Operator Panel: Benefits and Issues Using Depackagers-AC22.USCC
A panel of experienced operators from accross the country will discuss the costs and benefits of using depackagers. Paneilisits include: Chris Seney, Republic Services Kevin Bolin, Organics by Gosh Patrick Geraty, St. Louis Composting Brian Fleury, Wecare Denali Speakers: Panel Duration: 1 hours 24 minutes Credits: 1.5 Member Price: $90.00 Non-Member Price: $157.50 Purchase Course… Continue reading EQU.210-Operator Panel: Benefits and Issues Using Depackagers-AC22.USCC
BUS.216-Don’t Waste Food SC Campaign: Improving the Soil Conditions for the SC Economy-AC20.USCC
This video gives information on the Don’t Waste Food campaign in South Carolina, with the purpose to increase awareness and educate the public. Speakers: Juli Blalock Duration: 21 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now
VIS.214-How Composting Can Aid in Drawdown, a Conversation with Paul Hawken-AC21.USCC
Description coming soon Speakers: Paul Hawken Duration: 1 hours 2 minutes Credits: 1.5 Member Price: $90.00 Non-Member Price: $157.50 Purchase Course Now
VIS.212-Community Composters: A Growing and Crucial Part of Infrastructure-AC22.USCC
In this session, Meredith Danberg-Ficarelli will summarize the growing network of community composters and their benefits in promoting a circular economy in which compost is used within the same area in which the food scraps are generated. She serves on the Steering Committee of the Community Composter Coalition, convened by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance.… Continue reading VIS.212-Community Composters: A Growing and Crucial Part of Infrastructure-AC22.USCC
VIS.211-Drawdown Georgia, A Case Study On Composting As A Mechanism to Address Global Warming-AC22.USCC
Project Drawdown has done a pragmatic assessment of transformational changes that will be necessary to curtail global warming. When we analyze these projects, we find many of them can be clustered into a broader narrative of Organic Circularity. Researchers in Georgia have adopted the Project Drawdown methodology and created a hierarchy of initiatives to achieve… Continue reading VIS.211-Drawdown Georgia, A Case Study On Composting As A Mechanism to Address Global Warming-AC22.USCC