Zero Foodprint is a 501.c3 leading public private collaborations with governments in CA, CO to scale carbon farming. We generate funds from businesses and citizens and depoly grants in conjunction with trusted conservation networks like the Conservation Districts and Cooperative Extensions. We are scaling this circular economy with a long term vision of enabling direct… Continue reading VIS.210-A Circular Economy to Scale Carbon Farming and Compost Infrastructure-AC22.USCC
Category: Intermediate
POL.212-Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law drives infrastructure development throughout the state.-AC21.USCC
successes, challenges and opportunities for organics management Speakers: Natasha Duarte Duration: 21 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now
FEE.211-Fluorinated Chemicals in Compostable Products: A Certifier’s Perspective-AC20.USCC
This video discusses the certification process of compostable products, and more specifically, the use of the compound PFAS (fluorinated chemicals) and its concerns. Speakers: Rhodes Yepsen Duration: 24 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now
BUS.232-Composting Programs – Feasibility Evaluation and Design Considerations-AC22.USCC
New policies and regulations are creating a need for organics management facilities. Additionally, an increased interest in composting at the community-level is also driving community-based composting operations. The presentation will discuss factors that impact feasibility and design of composting projects, including but not limited to incoming waste stream volumes, food waste collection and processing options,… Continue reading BUS.232-Composting Programs – Feasibility Evaluation and Design Considerations-AC22.USCC
USE.226-EQ Biosolids Benefits for Rehabilitating Urban Soils-AC20.CREF
This video discusses exceptional quality biosolids, and the experiments done comparing soil amendments to determine which would be more beneficial for urban agriculture. Speakers: Gregory Evanylo Duration: 36 minutes Credits: 1.0 Member Price: $60.00 Non-Member Price: $105.00 Purchase Course Now
USE.225-Tracking Organic Matter in Soil and Compost-AC22.USCC
Among the many benefits of compost to soil is the addition of organic matter to soils. Organic matter increases nutrient- and water-holding capacity, adds slow-release nutrients, builds soil structure, and reduces compaction. However, many people misunderstand how to calculate the number of cubic yards of compost to add, in order to follow industry recommendations or… Continue reading USE.225-Tracking Organic Matter in Soil and Compost-AC22.USCC
USE.223-An Investigation on the Impact of Compost Tea Applications on Turf Quality and Soil Microbial Activity-AC22.USCC
Although interest in organically managing turfgrass has grown, research regarding the benefits of compost tea application on turfgrass is relatively recent and limited. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of compost tea applications on overall turf quality and soil microbial activity. Evaluations of turfgrass were based on The National Turfgrass… Continue reading USE.223-An Investigation on the Impact of Compost Tea Applications on Turf Quality and Soil Microbial Activity-AC22.USCC
USE.222-Blending Compost for Various Applications-AC22.USCC
The Construction Industry is highly regulated and soil specifications are becoming more specific with every project. With increased demand comes the increased opportunity for Compost Manufactures to capitalize on these trends. While all Compost Manufacturers possess the necessary ingredients to create the soil, the requisite knowledge remains the greatest barrier to entry. Ascertaining the knowledge… Continue reading USE.222-Blending Compost for Various Applications-AC22.USCC
USE.220-CA Central Valley rangeland carbon sequestration project-AC21.USCC
Applying compost to rangelands has proven to increase the Soil Organic Matter and therefore, sequestering carbon under the ground for years to come. Speakers: Erin Levine Duration: 19 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now
USE.219-Specialty Product- Phosphorus Fortified Compost-AC22.USCC
Agrilab Technologies Inc. (AGT) is one of the teams funded through the Vermont Phosphorus (P) Innovation Challenge. The larger effort seeks to reduce P loading to Lake Champlain and other Vermont waters through new practices. AGT is setting up a network of on-farm composting and P processing sites to stabilize and fortify compost with concentrated… Continue reading USE.219-Specialty Product- Phosphorus Fortified Compost-AC22.USCC