HEA.211-Chronic Wasting Disease Composting: Composting Infectious Proteins-AC22.CREF

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) that has been detected in cervid (e.g. deer, elk, moose) populations across the United States, Canada, Scandinavia, and South Korea. CWD, like other TSEs, is a progressively degenerative neurological disease caused by a misfolded protein known as a prion. The course of the disease consists… Continue reading HEA.211-Chronic Wasting Disease Composting: Composting Infectious Proteins-AC22.CREF

FEE.221-Technology-Led Techniques to Reduce Contamination in Organics Recycling-AC22.USCC

There are few things more frustrating to an organics recycling professional than contamination. In the case of organics, there is no “silver bullet” for addressing the challenges posed by materials that contaminate the source-separated waste stream. In this session, Rubicon’s Director of Circular Economy Solutions, Ryan Cooper, will discuss, alongside panelists from Atlas Organics and… Continue reading FEE.221-Technology-Led Techniques to Reduce Contamination in Organics Recycling-AC22.USCC

FEE.220-Considering Perspectives on the Decision to Accept Compostable Products-AC22.USCC

When it comes to compostable products, generators and processors may view the decision to use these materials differently. Center for EcoTechnology (CET) will present industry trends from the perspective of food businesses and compost sites as they decide to accept compostable products. As a neutral third party, CET has extensive experience serving as a bridge… Continue reading FEE.220-Considering Perspectives on the Decision to Accept Compostable Products-AC22.USCC

FEE.219-Overcoming Contamination: Top 10 Best Practices from around the North America-AC21.USCC

I will share my top ten best practices for mitigating contaminates from both a proactive and reactive approach. The goal of this presentation is to inspire the audience to think differently about how they can take these best practices and develop a strategy to address the specific challenges they face. Speakers: Ted Dirkx Duration: 13… Continue reading FEE.219-Overcoming Contamination: Top 10 Best Practices from around the North America-AC21.USCC

FEE.218-Contamination-Free Compost After Food Waste Separation & Depackaging-AC21.USCC

My presentation will detail the ability to produce contamination-free organics for compost through the separation of food (and other organic) waste from its packaging onsite at compost facilities, food manufacturing, retail, municipalities, standalone facilities and transfer stations as a means to divert organic waste from landfills and repurpose/recycle the material. Speakers: Corey Rossen Duration: 16… Continue reading FEE.218-Contamination-Free Compost After Food Waste Separation & Depackaging-AC21.USCC

FEE.216-Persistent Herbicides in Compost: An Update-AC21.USCC

Herbicides that can remain in compost and cause damage in home gardens continues to harm our industry. These so-called “Persistent Herbicides”, including clopyralid, picloram, and aminopyralid, may be present in a variety of feedstocks. This past year has seen outbreaks of PH damage in North Carolina, Oregon and South Dakota. In this presentation you will… Continue reading FEE.216-Persistent Herbicides in Compost: An Update-AC21.USCC