POL.220-Leveraging CA’s New Compost Regulations for Carbon Sequestration – Jurisdictions Teaming up with Ag and Businesses on Carbon Farming-AC23.USCC

– Jurisdictions can meet procurement through carbon farming, within their desired budgets because ZFP will identify projects, identify farmer cost-share and provide our own cost-sharing (when possible). – Composters can encourage price premiums and/or generate more quote requests through Compost.Ag.Speakers: Leo BeckermanDuration: 18 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course Now

VIS.217-Healthy Soils for Healthy Parks: Los Angeles Urban Carbon Farm at Griffith Park-AC23.USCC

New Carbon Parks: Integrated community composting and regenerative land management practices are envisioned as a new park model centered around carbon sequestration, climate resiliency, and community well-being. High quality, biologically active compost further strengthens soil C sequestration. Centering community contribution, participation, and education supports environmental justice and healthy communities.Speakers: Lynn FangDuration: 20 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price:… Continue reading VIS.217-Healthy Soils for Healthy Parks: Los Angeles Urban Carbon Farm at Griffith Park-AC23.USCC

BUS.240-Developing Community-based Composting in an Urban Setting-AC23.USCC

– Development of a replicable model for community-based composting. – Multi-stakeholder collaboration, representing universities, non-profits, and local neighborhood to build a hub and spoke organics diversion and community composting system to help meet the demand and supply needs of a large urban city.Speakers: Renee WallaceDuration: 18 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course Now

VIS.216-Utilizing Collaboration to Improve Rural Regional Organic Diversion-AC23.USCC

– Multi-stakeholder collaboration, representing entire organics value chain, to drive improvement in a rural setting – Utilizing systems practice helps to create enduring social change through mapping the current system and identifying leverage points. – Model for gaining organics diversion and compost end-market developmentSpeakers: Nicole ChardoulDuration: 27 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course Now

POL.226-Model Compost Procurement Policy: Accelerating Action to Close the Organics Recycling Loop-AC23.USCC

To date, closing the organics recycling loop by requiring compost purchases is an underutilized tool in municipal efforts to manage organic waste sustainably and cost-effectively. Composting is an effective way to reduce food waste in cities, by turning food scraps into a natural soil amendment that can be used in city gardens and landscaping and… Continue reading POL.226-Model Compost Procurement Policy: Accelerating Action to Close the Organics Recycling Loop-AC23.USCC

VIS.215-State of Practice of U.S. Composting: Introducing the 2022 National Composting Facility Survey-AC23.USCC

Survey results are expected to illustrate current trends and challenges in composting operations and provide insights on national capacity for diversion, availability and usage of feedstock types and sources, end-market products, and current industry perspectives on key issues such as legislation, regulation, and labor needs.Speakers: Suzie BoxmanDuration: 14 minutesCredits: 0.5Member Price: $30.00Non-Member Price: $52.50Purchase Course… Continue reading VIS.215-State of Practice of U.S. Composting: Introducing the 2022 National Composting Facility Survey-AC23.USCC