Compost University™ Faculty
Coryanne Mansell
Center for EcoTechnology
Northampton, MA |
Coryanne Mansell is the Strategic Services Representative at the Center for EcoTechnology (CET). Cory supports CET’s Wasted Food Solutions efforts by leading stakeholder engagement processes and providing on-site technical assistance to businesses and institutions. On behalf of CET, Cory also led the development of Bans and Beyond: Designing and Implementing Organic Waste Bans and Mandatory Organics Recycling Laws in partnership with Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic, and the Community Toolkit: Adding Food Waste to a Yard Trimmings Compost Facility in partnership with BioCycle Connect. Cory is Co-Chair of the Outreach Committee within the USCC Young Professionals Group, and Chair of the Education and Outreach Committee for NJ Composting Council.