FEE.114-Field Testing Programs and Experience-AC22.CREF

When deciding whether to accept compostable products with food scraps – what’s in and what’s out – it pays to go beyond the lab to see how products breakdown in real-world conditions. Join a panel of field testing experts and compost manufacturers to talk about the ins and outs of on-site disintegration testing for compostable foodware and packaging. Two field testing programs and two composters will share the lay of the land and practical experiences in field testing, and how you can field test on your site. Alex Alton Thomas, Compost Manufacturing Alliance Wayne Howard, CREF Compostable Field Testing Program Marisa DeDominis, Earth Matter NYC Melissa Tashjian, Compost Crusader
Speakers: Panel
Duration: 60 minutes
Credits: 1.0
Member Price: $60.00
Non-Member Price: $105.00
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