Frequently Asked Questions
I am a USCC member, why am I having trouble signing-in to Compost University™?
– If you are having an issue with your sign-in and you have not renewed your USCC membership, please be sure that you are a member in good standing before you proceed.
I’m experiencing glitches/bugs when I browse and view Compost University™ website, why is this?
– Clear your cache and cookies
– Recommended browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari and MS Edge. To check compatibility with the system you are using: https://uscc.peachnewmedia.com/SystemCheckv4/
– Recommended devices: desktop, laptop, ipad and some mobile devices
I’m using the search function and can’t find what I’m looking for, what am I doing wrong?
– Remember that some names or words may be contained in other names or words – the letters in the name “Ted” also appear in “conduc”ted”, exhibit”ted”. Try using a last name for an author you are searching or be more specific with your search parameter.
I purchased “All Course” access last month but can’t find a course in my download that I’ve recently heard about.
– Note that new courses added AFTER your purchase are not included, but they may be purchased individually or with an annual update for an additional fee.
How do I see my continuing education credits?
– Sign in to your USCC account. Under the “Quick Links” menu choose “Your Certifications and Continuing Ed Credits”. Or just click on this link: https://www.compostingcouncil.org/members/certifications.aspx.
How do I sign in to my Compost U™ Account?
– Sign in to your USCC account. Under the “Quick Links” menu choose “Your Compost U™ Courses”. Or just click on this link: https://uscc.peachnewmedia.com/store/streaming/index.php
I’d like to access my Compost U™ courses again, how do I do that?
It’s important to note you don’t “download” your courses, they stay at Compost University™ where the videos are available to stream 24/7. Simply sign-in to your USCC account, click on “My Profile” – click on “Quick Links” – in the dropdown, click on “Your Compost U™ Courses.” The On-Demand Programs you have purchased will be listed. You may watch repeatedly and/or at your convenience.

• We’d like to hear from YOU •
Please contact us with additional questions, comments and general feedback!