Compost University™ Faculty
Gaius Eudoxie
The University of the West Indies
St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago | arrison4@ucmerced.edu
Dr. Gaius Eudoxie is a Senior Lecturer of Soil Science at the University of West Indies (St. Augustine Campus) with responsibility for teaching and research in soil physical and fertility management. He has over 20 years teaching and research experience in soil management. He has successfully supervised several graduate students researching various aspects of soil management, composting and agronomy. Dr. Eudoxie has consulted across the Caribbean on sustainable soil management, composting, crop nutrition, contaminant risk assessment and remediation, fcousing mainly on training and development. He has partcipated in numberous webinars as a panelist and guest speaker. Dr. Eudoxie is a vice-president of the Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Soil Partnership and former Co-chair of the Intergovernmental Working Group on Drought under the UNCCD. He serves are the science advisor to the Partnership Initiative for Sustainable Land management and co-coordinates IWRM capacity building in the Caribbean through Caribbean WaterNet.