In 2015 Pitkin County embarked on a journey towards significantly reducing waste and encouraging diversion; the driver for our waste diversion efforts, a rapidly filling landfill. Pitkin County is located on the Western Slope of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Situated in the midst of Aspen’s world-class ski resorts, tourism is the driving force of the economy. In response to the recommendations from the 2015 waste study, the County put into place a PAYT ordinance, mandating variable rates for different sized trash containers and requiring recycling to be included with trash service. Food waste collection was not mandated but encouraged as a way to reduce waste and shrink your trash bill. A series of ads, newspaper, and TV, as well as outreach events, were created encouraging food waste diversion. The County promoted its SCRAPS food waste diversion program, making available six-gallon buckets with sealing lids and countertop collection bins for residents, encouraging residents and businesses to compost to reduce their trash volume. The County’s transition to a PAYT program was a success, food waste composting was an important aspect in helping people to increase diversion and get to that smaller trash can. Based on data from the largest hauler in Pitkin County, they were able to get approximately 30% of their customers into smaller trash cans, food waste diversion played a big role in that shift.
Speakers: Cathleen Hall
Duration: 44 minutes
Credits: 1.0
Member Price: $60.00
Non-Member Price: $105.00
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POL.216-Food Waste Composting as a Pay-As-You-Throw Partner-AC22.USCC