USE.113-Paradigm shift: Changing Recommendations for Phosphorus Fertilization-AC22.USCC

Add more- that was the official extension recommendation for phosphorus fertilization for many decades. Phosphorus is tightly bound in most soils. This nutrient has a strong affinity for reactive groups on soil particles including iron, aluminum and calcium. In order to make sure plants had access to enough P, extension agents typically recommended applications well… Continue reading USE.113-Paradigm shift: Changing Recommendations for Phosphorus Fertilization-AC22.USCC

USE.219-Specialty Product- Phosphorus Fortified Compost-AC22.USCC

Agrilab Technologies Inc. (AGT) is one of the teams funded through the Vermont Phosphorus (P) Innovation Challenge. The larger effort seeks to reduce P loading to Lake Champlain and other Vermont waters through new practices. AGT is setting up a network of on-farm composting and P processing sites to stabilize and fortify compost with concentrated… Continue reading USE.219-Specialty Product- Phosphorus Fortified Compost-AC22.USCC

USE.218-Examining the Quality of a Compost Product Derived from Sargassum-AC22.USCC

The free-floating algae known as sargassum (Sargassum fluitans and Sargassum natans) drifts onto coastlines throughout the Atlantic Ocean during spring and summer months.  Beach communities seek to maintain tourist appeal and remove or relocate the sargassum drifts collecting on shore.  Maintenance efforts have attempted to incorporate sargassum into dunes.  However, not all communities have the… Continue reading USE.218-Examining the Quality of a Compost Product Derived from Sargassum-AC22.USCC