This video discusses the certification process of compostable products, and more specifically, the use of the compound PFAS (fluorinated chemicals) and its concerns. Speakers: Rhodes Yepsen Duration: 24 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now
FEE.110-PFAS in Biosolids Composts-AC21.USCC
Is PFAS in biosolids composts a concern? Measured concentrations will be compared against regulatory guidance values. Speakers: Todd Williams Duration: 26 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now
FEE.210-PFAS: A Compost Manufacturer’s Perspective -AC20.USCC
This video gives more information on PFAS, and how it is in so many products we use and not a problem solely related to composting. Speakers: Bill Brower Duration: 25 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now
FAC.110-Non-Stick Legacy: PFAS in Composts -AC20.USCC
This video discusses issues of a moratorium on the biosolids recycling program due to high levels of PFAS found at a farm, and goes into the science and information of the compound. Speakers: Andrew Carpenter Duration: 24 minutes Credits: 0.5 Member Price: $30.00 Non-Member Price: $52.50 Purchase Course Now