Compost University™ Faculty

Thomas Herlihy
WeCare Denali
Geneseo, NY | thomas.herlihy@denaliwater.com
Tom has over 35 years, leading the design, permitting and operations of large-scale organic waste management projects. His role in these projects has varied from general laborer, through Operations Manager to Lead Design Engineer. He holds a Master’s degree in Agricultural and Biological Engineering, and a Bachelor’s in Physics. His work in the composting field has involved (A) the development of composting technologies, (B) the managing of daily operations and maintenance at large facilities, as well as (C) extensive R&D into the use of compost products in production agriculture. He has authored and been awarded nearly 20 peer reviewed research projects, with budgets totaling over $3M, that have investigated novel composting systems as well as compost use in horticultural production. He is currently the Senior Technical Manager for WeCare Denali working with multiple composting technologies processing a variety of feedstocks under very different climate conditions.